Circulatory Modelling as a Clinical Decision Support and an Educational Tool

Publication Type:

Journal Article


Biomed Data J., Volume 1, Issue 3, p.45-50 (2015)


cardiovascular system, Circulatory Model, Clinical Decision Support, Lumped Parameter, Training and Education, ventricular assist device


Circulatory models can be used in support of clinical decision making. Based on this assumption, we developed a modelling platform composed of a family of circulatory models based on a polymorphic structure. The models of the family permit the reconstruction of patient’s status in various pathophysiological conditions and can be used in retrospective and prospective ways to formulate hypotheses on the effects of different therapeutic strategies, including the use of mechanical circulatory assistance, mono and bi-ventricular pacing and con­genital heart defects. The models can be used for educational purposes, can be controlled remotely and can behave as virtual patients. They can generate data files in Excel format.

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National Library of Medicine (grant proposals with PMCID/PMID): Ferrari G, Di Molfetta A, Zieliński K, Fresiello L. Circulatory Modelling as a Clinical Decision Support and an Educational Tool. Biomed Data J. 2015;1(3):45-50.
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