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# File Name Number of Downloadssort ascending
1 012012_Repositioned_Drugs_List.xlsx 14412
2 BMDJ_template_Policy_paper_16.docx 13010
3 BMDJ_template_Editorial_16.docx 10645
4 BMDJ_template_Modelling_paper_16.docx 10590
5 BMDJ_template_Data_paper_16.docx 10295
6 BMDJ_template_Commentary_16.docx 9080
7 bmdj.01102_ec_oa_policy_horizon2020.pdf 8329
8 bmdj.01103_comp_modelling_cancer.pdf 7289
9 bmdj.01301_Mice_Myocardial_Infarction.pdf 7279
10 01300_Heart_Failure_and_Stress_Response.pdf 6992
11 bmdj.01304_Vassalle_Anaemia_Predictor.pdf 6542
12 bmdj.01303_Circulatory_modelling.pdf 6416
13 bmdj.01305_Cardiac_Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging.pdf 6053
14 bmdj.01302_Rat_AMI_Dataset.pdf 6047
15 bmdj.01108_legal_challenges.pdf 5776
16 posture.05.pdf 5492
17 bmdj.01101_oa_to_scien_info.pdf 5415
18 bmdj.01109_osl_platform.pdf 4258
19 bmdj.01100_editorial_pilot.pdf 4228
20 bmdj.01106_oa_cardiology_research.pdf 4168
21 bmdj.01204_Thyroid_Hormone_Ischemic_Stroke.pdf 4121
22 bmdj.01107_oa_drug_discovery.pdf 4095
23 bmdj.01104_clinical_brain_research.pdf 4038
24 bmdj.01105_oa_endocrine_research.pdf 3784
25 01200_Tsatsaronis.pdf 3756
Anemia associated with chronic heart failure: current concepts (3) R. Shah; A. Agarwal
Cardiac models in drug discovery and development: a review. (2) R.K. Amanfu; J.J. Saucerman
Role of N-Terminal Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide, High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein, and Inteleukin-6 in Predicting a Poor Outcome after a Stroke (5) A. Bunevicius; H. Kazlauskas; N. Raskauskiene; N. Mickuviene; R. Ndreu; E. Corsano; R. Bunevicius
Prognostic Role of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Previous Myocardial Infarction: A Clinical Dataset Prediction of Sudden Cardiac Death: Appraisal of the Studies and Methods Assessing the Risk of Sudden Arrhythmic Death, Chronic Ischemic Left Ventricular Dysfunction, MADIT II (Second Multicenter Automated Defibrillator Implantation Trial) Debate: Risk Stratification, Costs, and Public Policy, Echocardiographic predictors of morbidity and mortality in patients with advanced heart failure, Clinical indications for cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR): Consensus Panel report?, Scar extent, left ventricular end-diastolic volume, and wall motion abnormalities identify high-risk patients with previous myocardial infarction: a multiparametric approach for prognostic stratification, Standardized Myocardial Segmentation and Nomenclature for Tomographic Imaging of the Heart: A Statement for Healthcare Professionals From the Cardiac Imaging Committee of the Council on Clinical Cardiology of the American Heart Association, Left ventricular remodeling with age in normal men versus women, The potential of contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging for predicting left ventricular remodeling, A fast and effective method to assess myocardial necrosis by means of contrast magnetic resonance imaging., The Use of Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Identify Reversible Myocardial Dysfunction, Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Predicts Outcome in Patients With Premature Ventricular Complexes of Left Bundle Branch Block Morphology, Prominent T wave in V2 with respect to V6 as a sign of lateral myocardial infarction, Different Substrates of Non-Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia in Post-infarction Patients With and Without Left Ventricular Dilatation, Right ventricular dysfunction: an independent and incremental predictor of cardiac deaths late after acute myocardial infarction (9) G. Di Bella; G. Aquaro; F. Mastorci; A. Pingitore
Drug Target Identification Using Side-Effect Similarity (3) M. Campillos; M. Kuhn; A.C. Gavin; L.J. Jensen; P. Bork
Cyber Threats Analysis In On-Line Social Networks With A Study On User Response (10) Z. Minchev
A Computational Model of the Human Left-Ventricular Epicardial Myocyte (11) V. Iyer; R. Mazhari; R.L. Winslow
Recovery of motor function after stroke. (25) R. Bonita; R. Beaglehole
Risk of bias in meta-analysis on erythropoietin-stimulating agents in heart failure (18) B.P. Geisler; R.M. van Dam; G.S. Gazelle; A. Goehler
Sensory Conflict Influence on Functional Reach Performance and Dynamic Standing Balance Aging and Posture Control: Changes in Sensory Organization and Muscular Coordination, Multisensory control of human upright stance, An internal model for sensorimotor integration, Functional Reach: A New Clinical Measure of Balance, Functional Reach: Predictive Validity in a Sample of Elderly Male Veterans, Validity and Reliability of a Pediatric Reach Test, Evaluation of postural stability in children: current theories and assessment tools, Efficacy of the star excursion balance tests in detecting reach deficits in subjects with chronic ankle instability, A Classification of Hand Preference by Association Analysis, Postural Imbalance with Head Extension: Improvement by Training As a Model for Ataxia Therapy, Effect of head extension on equilibrium in normal subjects (3) P. Gatev; K. Kirilova

