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# File Name Number of Downloadssort ascending
1 012012_Repositioned_Drugs_List.xlsx 14408
2 BMDJ_template_Policy_paper_16.docx 12980
3 BMDJ_template_Editorial_16.docx 10615
4 BMDJ_template_Modelling_paper_16.docx 10560
5 BMDJ_template_Data_paper_16.docx 10265
6 BMDJ_template_Commentary_16.docx 9060
7 bmdj.01102_ec_oa_policy_horizon2020.pdf 8310
8 bmdj.01103_comp_modelling_cancer.pdf 7278
9 bmdj.01301_Mice_Myocardial_Infarction.pdf 7260
10 01300_Heart_Failure_and_Stress_Response.pdf 6974
11 bmdj.01304_Vassalle_Anaemia_Predictor.pdf 6527
12 bmdj.01303_Circulatory_modelling.pdf 6402
13 bmdj.01305_Cardiac_Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging.pdf 6036
14 bmdj.01302_Rat_AMI_Dataset.pdf 6027
15 bmdj.01108_legal_challenges.pdf 5758
16 posture.05.pdf 5481
17 bmdj.01101_oa_to_scien_info.pdf 5404
18 bmdj.01109_osl_platform.pdf 4246
19 bmdj.01100_editorial_pilot.pdf 4219
20 bmdj.01106_oa_cardiology_research.pdf 4161
21 bmdj.01204_Thyroid_Hormone_Ischemic_Stroke.pdf 4109
22 bmdj.01107_oa_drug_discovery.pdf 4083
23 bmdj.01104_clinical_brain_research.pdf 4025
24 bmdj.01105_oa_endocrine_research.pdf 3770
25 01200_Tsatsaronis.pdf 3747
Reliability of Scandinavian Neurological Stroke (24) E. Lindenstrom; G. Boysen; L.W. Christiansen; B.R. Hansen; P.W. Nielsen
Prediction of drug gene associations via ontological profile similarity with application to drug repositioning (2) M. Kissa; G. Tsatsaronis; M. Schroeder
Comparison of static and dynamic balance in female collegiate soccer, basketball, and gymnastics athletes (2) B. E; Y. JC;
A model for human ventricular tissue (10) K.Hten Tusscher; D. Noble; P.J. Noble; A.V. Panfilov
Automation and validation of a fast method for the assessment of in vivo oxidative stress levels (17) C. Vassalle; C. Boni; P. Di Cecco; R. Ndreu; G.Carlo Zucchelli
EEG Mapping During Quiet and Sensory-conflicted Stance Role of cerebral cortex in human postural control: an EEG study, Cortical control of postural responses, Cognitive demands and cortical control of human balance-recovery reactions, Brain activation during maintenance of standing postures in humans, Postural Sway Characteristics of the Elderly Under Normal and Altered Visual and Support Surface Conditions, The effects of visual input on postural control mechanisms: An analysis of center-of-pressure trajectories using the auto-regressive model, Postural stability of canoeing and kayaking young male athletes during quiet stance, Electroencephalographic reactivity to unimodal and bimodal visual and proprioceptive demands in sensorimotor integration, An Integrative Theory of Prefrontal Cortex Function, Role of the prefrontal cortex in human balance control, Posture alters human resting-state, Postural sway and Rhythmic Electroencephalography analysis of cortical activation during eight balance training tasks (1) B. Dimitrov; K. Stambolieva; P. Gatev
The Beneficial Effects of Ranolazine on Cardiac Function After Myocardial Infarction Are Greater in Diabetic Than in Nondiabetic Rats (10) I. Mourouzis; P. Mantzouratou; G. Galanopoulos; E. Kostakou; A.K. Dhalla; L. Belardinelli; C. Pantos
Low triiodothyronine: a strong predictor of outcome in acute stroke patients. (15) M. Alevizaki; M. Synetou; K. Xynos; T. Pappa; K.N. Vemmos
Anemia in chronic heart failure: pathogenetic mechanisms. (8) D.O. Okonko; S.D. Anker
Publishing Open-Access Biomedical Data: Legal Challenges Committee on Issues in the Transborder Flow of Scientific Data. Bits of Power: Issues in Global Access to Scientific Data, OECD Principles and guidelines for Access to Research Data from Public Funding, Public Consultation on Open Research Data, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council and the European Economic and Social Committee on scientific information in the digital age: access, dissemination and preservation, Communication from the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: a reinforced European Research Partnership for Excellence and Growth, Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions towards better access to scientific information: boosting the benefits of public investments in research, Commission recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information, Your Medical Records Are for Sale, Big opportunities in access to small science data, To Share or not to Share: Publication and Quality Assurance of Research Data Outputs, Broken Promises of Privacy: Responding to the Surprising Failure of Anonymization, International copyright: principles, Law and Practice, US Supreme Court, Germany, Copyright Act §2(2), Legal and ethical issues in open access and data dissemination and preservation, OpenScienceLink, Sharing clinical research data: a workshop summary, Dynamic consent: a patient interface for twenty-first century research networks, Research Practice and Participant Preferences: The Growing Gulf, Data protection, informed consent, and research, Anonymisation: managing data protection risk - code of practice, Big Data: a revolution that will transform how we live, work and think, A face is exposed for AOL searcher № 4417749, Robust de-anonymization of large sparse datasets, Implementing the European Database Directive, Junior Army and Navy Stores, Intellectual Property in Europe, Study on Licensing of Publications and Research Data: Summary of Findings, Football Association Premier League, De juridische bescherming van databanken, Football fixtures, horseraces and spin-offs: the ECJ domesticates the database right, The legal status of raw data: a guide for research practice, When hyperlinks infringe copyright: Svensson v Retriever Sverige, Standardisation in the area of innovation and technological development notably in the field of Text and Data Mining, Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0), Broad consent is informed consent (8) S. Hugelier

