Mapping the cancer genome. Pinpointing the genes involved in cancer will help chart a new course across the complex landscape of human malignancies.
Computational Modelling in Cancer: Methods and Applications. Biomed Data J. 2015;1(1):15-25. .
National Library of Medicine (brackets, no "et al."): Mapping the cancer genome. Pinpointing the genes involved in cancer will help chart a new course across the complex landscape of human malignancies. Sci Am [Internet]. 2007;296(3):50-7. .
National Library of Medicine (grant proposals with PMCID/PMID): Mapping the cancer genome. Pinpointing the genes involved in cancer will help chart a new course across the complex landscape of human malignancies. Sci Am [Internet]. 2007;296(3):50-7. .
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - Grant with PMID: Mapping the cancer genome. Pinpointing the genes involved in cancer will help chart a new course across the complex landscape of human malignancies. Sci Am [Internet]. 2007;296(3):50-7. .