Entraining tones and binaural beats

Minchev Z, Kelevedjiev E, Gatev P. Audio-Visual Entrainment Influence on Postural Dynamics. In Posture, Balance and the Brain. International Workshop Proceedings; 2015. pp. 55-60.
National Library of Medicine (brackets, no "et al."): D. S. Entraining tones and binaural beats [Internet]. Mind Alive Inc.; 2009 . http://mindalive.com/default/assets/File/article%2012.pdf
National Library of Medicine (grant proposals with PMCID/PMID): D. S. Entraining tones and binaural beats [Internet]. Mind Alive Inc.; 2009 . http://mindalive.com/default/assets/File/article%2012.pdf
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - Grant with PMID: D. S. Entraining tones and binaural beats [Internet]. Mind Alive Inc.; 2009 . http://mindalive.com/default/assets/File/article%2012.pdf
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