The effects of EGF-receptor density on multiscale tumor growth patterns

National Library of Medicine (brackets, no "et al."): Athale CA, Deisboeck TS. The effects of EGF-receptor density on multiscale tumor growth patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Internet]. 2006;238(4):771 - 779.
National Library of Medicine (grant proposals with PMCID/PMID): Athale CA, Deisboeck TS. The effects of EGF-receptor density on multiscale tumor growth patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Internet]. 2006;238(4):771 - 779.
National Library of Medicine (NLM) - Grant with PMID: Athale CA, Deisboeck TS. The effects of EGF-receptor density on multiscale tumor growth patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology [Internet]. 2006;238(4):771 - 779.
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