Publication Type:
Book ChapterSource:
Posture, Balance and the Brain, International Workshop Proceedings , p.15-21 (2015)Keywords:
brain maps, Electroencephalography, postural control, sensory conflict, stanceAbstract:
The body balance is dependent upon quantity, quality and congruency of sensory inputs from three major sources. When compromised, i.e., introducing a sensory conflict, a complex sensory and cognitive integration and reweighing is to be executed in cerebral cortex in order to maintain balance. We have investigated the cortical map changes in ten different conditions of quiet standing by means of calculating the EEG power spectral density distribution and connectivity of cortical areas between them and prefrontal dorsolateral cortex. The prevailing role of the visual sensory input has been accentuated and the cortical regulation of posture and balance was demonstrated by contemporary techniques. The results suggested that the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortical area play a role in solving the sensory conflict.