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1 012012_Repositioned_Drugs_List.xlsx 14412
2 BMDJ_template_Policy_paper_16.docx 13010
3 BMDJ_template_Editorial_16.docx 10645
4 BMDJ_template_Modelling_paper_16.docx 10590
5 BMDJ_template_Data_paper_16.docx 10295
6 BMDJ_template_Commentary_16.docx 9080
7 bmdj.01102_ec_oa_policy_horizon2020.pdf 8329
8 bmdj.01103_comp_modelling_cancer.pdf 7289
9 bmdj.01301_Mice_Myocardial_Infarction.pdf 7279
10 01300_Heart_Failure_and_Stress_Response.pdf 6992
11 bmdj.01304_Vassalle_Anaemia_Predictor.pdf 6542
12 bmdj.01303_Circulatory_modelling.pdf 6416
13 bmdj.01305_Cardiac_Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging.pdf 6053
14 bmdj.01302_Rat_AMI_Dataset.pdf 6048
15 bmdj.01108_legal_challenges.pdf 5776
16 posture.05.pdf 5492
17 bmdj.01101_oa_to_scien_info.pdf 5415
18 bmdj.01109_osl_platform.pdf 4258
19 bmdj.01100_editorial_pilot.pdf 4228
20 bmdj.01106_oa_cardiology_research.pdf 4168
21 bmdj.01204_Thyroid_Hormone_Ischemic_Stroke.pdf 4121
22 bmdj.01107_oa_drug_discovery.pdf 4095
23 bmdj.01104_clinical_brain_research.pdf 4038
24 bmdj.01105_oa_endocrine_research.pdf 3784
25 01200_Tsatsaronis.pdf 3756
Computational Modelling in Cancer: Methods and Applications The Hallmarks of Cancer, Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation, Lessons from Hereditary Colorectal Cancer, Creation of Human Tumour Cells with Defined Genetic Elements, Angiogenesis and apoptosis are cellular parameters of neoplastic progression in transgenic mouse models of tumorigenesis., Cancer: A Systems Biology Disease, Cancer systems biology and modeling: Microscopic scale and multiscale approaches, Multiscale Computational Models of Complex Biological Systems, Computational Modeling and Simulation as Enablers for Biological Discovery, Computational systems biology in cancer: modeling methods and applications., In silico cancer modeling: is it ready for prime time?, In silico models of cancer, Multiscale Models of Breast Cancer Progression, Using computational modeling to assess the impact of clinical decision support on cancer screening improvement strategies within the community health centers, Predictive medicine: computational techniques in therapeutic decision-making., PubMed and beyond: a survey of web tools for searching biomedical literature, Simulating cancer growth with multiscale agent-based modeling, Multiscale Cancer Modeling, Circuit simulation of genetic networks, Computational modeling of brain tumors: discrete, continuum or hybrid?, The systems biology markup language (SBML): a medium for representation and exchange of biochemical network models, Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), Systems biology markup language: Level 2 and beyond., UML as a cell and biochemistry modeling language, The IUPS human physiome project, CellML: its future, present and past, An Overview of CellML 1.1, a Biological Model Description Language, Specifications of insilicoML 1.0: A Multilevel Biophysical Model Description Language, FieldML, a proposed open standard for the Physiome project for mathematical model representation, The SBML ODE Solver Library: a native API for symbolic and fast numerical analysis of reaction networks, MathSBML: a package for manipulating SBML-based biological models, SBMLToolbox: an SBML toolbox for MATLAB users, SBML-PET: a Systems Biology Markup Language-based parameter estimation tool, The SBW-MATLAB interface, Dealing with Diversity in Computational Cancer Modeling, TumorML: Concept and requirements of an in silico cancer modelling markup language, Petri Net representations in systems biology., Petri net representations in metabolic pathways., Petri Nets Are a Biologist’s Best Friend, System modelling with high-level Petri nets, Steady state analysis of metabolic pathways using Petri nets., Application of Petri net based analysis techniques to signal transduction pathways, Application of Petri net based analysis techniques to signal transduction pathways, Petri net modelling of biological networks, Cellular automata approaches to biological modeling., A cellular automata model of diffusion in aqueous systems, A cellular automata model of enzyme kinetics., Cellular automaton models of tumor development: a critical review, An evolutionary hybrid cellular automaton model of solid tumour growth, A hybrid cellular automaton model of clonal evolution in cancer: The emergence of the glycolytic phenotype, Using an agent-based model to analyze the dynamic communication network of the immune response, An agent-based model of inflammation and fibrosis following particulate exposure in the lung, Toward a Multi-Scale Computational Model of Arterial Adaptation in Hypertension: Verification of a Multi-Cell Agent Based Model, A hybrid continuum-discrete modelling approach to predict and control angiogenesis: analysis of combinatorial growth factor and matrix effects on vessel-sprouting morphology, An Agent-Based Model for the Investigation of Neovascularization Within Porous Scaffolds, Agent-based simulation of notch-mediated tip cell selection in angiogenic sprout initialisation, Simulating the impact of a molecular 'decision-process' on cellular phenotype and multicellular patterns in brain tumors., Integrated Genomic and Proteomic Analyses of a Systematically Perturbed Metabolic Network, Modeling the cell division cycle: cdc2 and cyclin interactions., Modeling the cell division cycle, A synthetic oscillatory network of transcriptional regulators, Systems Biology: A Brief Overview, Computational systems biology, Modeling and simulation in signal transduction pathways: a systems biology approach, The Meaning of Systems Biology, Computational Modeling of Solid Tumor Growth: The Avascular Stage, Mathematical Modeling of Tumor Growth and Metastatic Spreading: Validation in Tumor-Bearing Mice, Advancing cancer systems biology: introducing the Center for the Development of a Virtual Tumor, CViT., The effects of EGF-receptor density on multiscale tumor growth patterns, Reaction-diffusion model for the growth of avascular tumor, Cellular Potts Modeling of Tumor Growth, Tumor Invasion, and Tumor Evolution, Modeling the Effect of Deregulated Proliferation and Apoptosis on the Growth Dynamics of Epithelial Cell Populations In Vitro, A cellular automata model of tumor–immune system interactions, Nonlinear simulation of tumor necrosis, neo-vascularization and tissue invasion via an adaptive finite-element/level-set method, Computer simulation of glioma growth and morphology, Three-dimensional multispecies nonlinear tumor growth—I: model and numerical method, Hybrid models of tumor growth, A hybrid model for tumor spheroid growth in vitro I: theoretical development and early results, Multiscale modelling and nonlinear simulation of vascular tumour growth, A computer algorithm describing the process of vessel formation and maturation, and its use for predicting the effects of anti-angiogenic and anti-maturation therapy on vascular tumor growth, Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1: mechanisms and consequences, Expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha in brain tumors: association with angiogenesis, invasion, and progression., A computational model of intracellular oxygen sensing by hypoxia-inducible factor HIF1 , Effect of Tumor Microenvironment on Tumor VEGF During Anti-VEGF Treatment: Systems Biology Predictions, Mapping the cancer genome. Pinpointing the genes involved in cancer will help chart a new course across the complex landscape of human malignancies. (3) K. Kourou; D.I. Fotiadis
Translating thyroid hormone effects into clinical practice: the relevance of thyroid hormone receptor α1 in cardiac repair (4) C. Pantos; I. Mourouzis
Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and physiological roles of the iodothyronine selenodeiodinases. (11) A.C. Bianco; D. Salvatore; B. Gereben; M.J. Berry; R. Larsen
Association between anaemia and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP): findings from the Heart and Soul Study. (11) A.S. Desai; K. Bibbins-Domingo; M.G. Shlipak; A.H.B. Wu; S. Ali; M.A. Whooley
Heart failure post-myocardial infarction: a review of the issues (5) H. Dargie
Blood Biomarkers of Ischemic Stroke (3) G.C. Jickling; F.R. Sharp
Type 1 iodothyronine deiodinase in human physiology and disease: Deiodinases: the balance of thyroid hormone (24) A.L. Maia; I.M. Goemann; E.L.S. Meyer; S.M. Wajner
Anemia and Associated Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure Due to Reduced Left Ventricular Systolic Function (1) P.A. McCullough; D. Barnard; R. Clare; S.J. Ellis; J.L. Fleg; G.C. Fonarow; B.A. Franklin; R.D. Kilpatrick; D.W. Kitzman; C.M. O'Connor; I.L. Piña; U. Thadani; V. Thohan; D.J. Whellan
Toward better drug repositioning: prioritizing and integrating existing methods into efficient pipelines (1) G. Jin; S.T.C. Wong
Postural control system (1) M. J.

