Editor: Prof. Constantinos Pantos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Greece
Published as BMDJ vol. 1, no. 1 and openly available on the journal website. If you wish to receive a sample hard copy, please contact us.
Call announced:
Submission Deadline:
Sharing of experimental and clinical data holds the promise on increasing efficiency and effectiveness of research by reducing redundancies and speeding up the knowledge generation process.
The Biomedical Data Journal (BMDJ) facilitates the sharing and use of such data by validating its quality and usability, acknowledging the scientific contribution of researchers and laboratory personnel that generated the data, widely disseminating data papers and respective datasets and assuring access in long-term.
The pilot issue of the journal will focus on the policies for open access to research data and respective normative, organizational, and technological challenges, thus setting up a solid base for the follow-up issues presenting biomedical datasets that can serve as a source for simulation and computational modelling of diseases and biological processes.
To reflect comprehensively on these developments, the BMDJ Editorial Board invites original contributions that critically address:
- policy developments relevant to the access to experimental and clinical data
- legal issues in publishing biomedical data
- standards for structuring and presenting biomedical data
- quality assurance of biomedical data and data papers
- trends and requirements to structuring and presenting data in specific biomedical fields
- experience in using open data access for the purposes of computational modelling
- advanced technologies facilitating the presentation, validation, use, and re-use of datasets
- measures of effectiveness and performance in providing open access to research data.
Interested contributors are invited to submit their datasets and manuscripts, prepared according to BMDJ Submission Guidance (where you can download the BMDJ template for a Policy Paper, a Data Paper, etc). For further details, please visit the BMDJ website at http://www.biomed-data.eu.
Once accepted and prepared in its final camera ready version, the paper will be openly accessible in the ‘Preview’ section of the website, thus providing for a quick impact and recognition of the authors.
Anticipated publication of the full issue: January 2015