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Anemia and Associated Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Heart Failure Due to Reduced Left Ventricular Systolic Function. Clinical Cardiology. 2013;:n/a - n/a.
. Anemia associated with chronic heart failure: current concepts. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2013;:111.
. Auricular transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in depressed patients: a randomized controlled pilot study. Journal of Neural Transmission [Internet]. 2013;120(5):821 - 827.
. Bottom up modeling of the connectome: Linking structure and function in the resting brain and their changes in aging. NeuroImage [Internet]. 2013;80:318 - 329.
. Cellular Potts Modeling of Tumor Growth, Tumor Invasion, and Tumor Evolution. Frontiers in Oncology [Internet]. 2013;3.
. Computational fluid dynamics models and congenital heart diseases. Frontiers in Pediatrics [Internet]. 2013;1.
. Correction: Glocal Clinical Registries: Pacemaker Registry Design and Implementation for Global and Local Integration – Methodology and Case Study. . PLoS ONE [Internet]. 2013;8(10).
. Current Advances in Mathematical Modeling of Anti-Cancer Drug Penetration into Tumor Tissues. Frontiers in Oncology [Internet]. 2013;3.
. Dealing with Diversity in Computational Cancer Modeling. Cancer Informatics [Internet]. 2013;:115.
. The effect of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation on pain perception – An experimental study. Brain Stimulation [Internet]. 2013;6(2):202 - 209.
. Effect of Tumor Microenvironment on Tumor VEGF During Anti-VEGF Treatment: Systems Biology Predictions. JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute [Internet]. 2013;105(11):802 - 811.
. Effects of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump Timing on Baroreflex Activities in a Closed-Loop Cardiovascular Hybrid Model. Artificial Organs. 2013;37(3):237 - 247.
. FieldML, a proposed open standard for the Physiome project for mathematical model representation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing [Internet]. 2013;51(11):1191 - 1207.
. Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020 [Internet]. 2013 .
. Hierarchical approaches for systems modeling in cardiac development. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine [Internet]. 2013;5(3):289 - 305.
. How early can we predict Alzheimer's disease using computational anatomy?. Neurobiology of Aging [Internet]. 2013;34(12):2815 - 2826.
. Inhibition of thyroid hormone receptor α1 impairs post-ischemic cardiac performance after myocardial infarction in mice. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2013;379(1-2):97 - 105.
. Iron status in patients with chronic heart failure. European Heart Journal. 2013;34(11):827 - 834.
. Late Cardiac Remodeling After Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Circulation Journal. 2013;77(1):81 - 8.
. Legal and ethical issues in open access and data dissemination and preservation [Internet]. RECODE Project. 2013 p. Deliverable 1.3. Report No.: GA # 321463.
Mental Imagery Changes Multisensory Perception. Current Biology [Internet]. 2013;23(14):1367 - 1372.
. Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of human gait diseases. Frontiers in Physiology [Internet]. 2013;4.
. Multiscale Computational Models of Complex Biological Systems. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering [Internet]. 2013;15(1):137 - 154.
. A new hybrid (hydro-numerical) model of the circulatory system. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences. 2013;61(4).
. Nonthyroidal illness syndrome. Current Opinion in Endocrinology & Diabetes and Obesity. 2013;20(5):478 - 484.